The Race itself

 So a little bit about this adventure I am undertaking and very excited to do!

The St Croix 40 is taking place in Hinkley Minnesota January 14-15 it is a 40 mile adventure race taking place within the St Croix State Park. The really cool part is (literally) is it starts at least for the bikes at 10 p.m.!!

We begin in our sleep bags and bivys. What is a bivy  you ask? It is a "little " one person tent as shown here.

So precisely at 10 pm the race director will ring a bell and we need to pack up our gear and stow it on the bike and take off. 

So here we now go for 20 miles, once we reach the first checkpoint we are required to boil 12 oz. of water in front of a race director. This is also a good spot to refill any water container. Once given the go ahead by the director I will ride another 20 miles to the finish. Once there I need to show the race director I have 3,000 calories of ready to eat food left, 4 oz of usable stove fuel and batteries for my lights to last 20 hours.
Then It will be time for a NAP! :)

Stay tune for more on the shakedown rides and gear selection........................


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